Jo Habib
2 min readOct 2, 2023


Put down your weapons

Throughout history, dictator after dictator, war after war, and still we didn’t realize that we made them happen.

If only one of Jesus’s followers defended him, many would have joined and he probably wouldn’t have had to die. If the soldiers back then refused to take Hitler’s orders, imagine what use a dictator is on his own is. This all would have never happened. If we all refused slavery, it would have never existed. And yet after all that, still history witnesses our submission to tyranny. Silence on its own is just as bad.

While Putin and Zilensky give orders from the comfort of their homes with their family around them, the Ukrainians and the Russians kill each other and are putting their lives on the line, away from their family, just to please one person, to run one person’s war. If Zilensky and Putin really wanted this war, then why aren’t they fighting it? Why are you doing their dirty work, dear brothers and sisters? Yes, we are all but brothers and sisters. And once we realize that, we will have no reason to fight. We were given the power of choice. We can choose not to fight this war. Put your weapons down and see how it will end instantly.

Dear soldiers of North Korea, do not be the weapon of a dictator and allow history to repeat itself. Turn your weapons to face the real enemy, who is using you as a weapon against your own people. We carry weapons to defend our country and our people, not to use those weapons against the people. This is “our “ country, not “his “ country.

We are in the age of social media, where there is no excuse for ignorance in this matter. We all know that we are all in this together. Instead of feeding the devil’s bank accounts with war money, we could end world poverty.

We have the power to change the world if we want to, to a better place or to a worse place. You choose.

