Jo Habib
3 min readDec 27, 2023


Just stop the racism already!

It’s been twelve years since I moved in to Berlin. I love Germany, my country, and the country of my child. But, living here had been hell of a challenge lately, even as a Christian family, keeping your head up is not easy. Of course in the winter my hated (by everyone btw) cross hides under my garments, so it is difficult to tell that I’m not a Muslim. (plus I don’t wear a head scarf) And honestly, I share the racism gladly. It makes me understand how it feels like to be Muslim in the Western world. As someone who lived in a Muslim country, I’m not saying that there weren’t racist people and that I never heard racist comments. That would be a lie. But to be stared at like I’m an unwanted scum just says a lot about how far brain washed the world is through media. Many of you probably already have traveled to the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, KSA, and many other countries where many westerners not only work and live but are also privileged. They get paid twice as much. They get to move forward even in the airport in the queue for passport control. Arabs think it’s hospitality, not knowing that westerners think that they’re more important and I’m not sure if you notice but they could care less about who else was waiting in line. (i. e. politically dominant and they act in that manner). What pissed me off the most is when we left Germany and reached Qatar, the first thing they all had in common on the plane is that they all started throwing litter on the floor. Those are the same hypocrites who blame us for the filth in the streets of Berlin. The thing is why this double standard? You either have morals against littering or you don’t. And, although I witnessed many German people littering Berlin, yet the reputation is solely dedicated to the Arab society. Just like if an Arab does something wrong then it’s all over the news and is related to his heritage but when a German commits a crime no one cares because he’s not a threat to the German society. (whatever that means) In other words, all immigrants are expected to be grateful saints. In the UAE for example, all non-Muslims may work, live, buy property and invest but not become citizens. Rarely. Why don’t you do the same or demand the same to preserve your society without all the drama? Why act like mother Theresa and then regret it and then allow your inner dictator be fed with hate? You’re either mother Theresa or you’re not. You can’t change your mind later and then not know what to do with the people you let in. (which btw if it weren’t for the western policies they didn’t have to leave their countries in the first place, but of course you are “freeing us” from our ignorance…). Do like Poland. I think I’d like to move there. They’re straight forward and know exactly what they want. Nothing wrong with that. If you thought extremism only exist in Islam then guess who else kills people in the name of religion? Exactly. Everyone else too. You’re all going to get angry at me probably but trust me I’ve been around the world and I know that white people (most of who I met) are very racist (and arrogant) and need to start acknowledging the harm they caused throughout history. How about you all back off with all that tax money and keep it in the country and provide your schools with needed equipment instead of buying guns for someone else’s fight? Aren’t the elderly more entitled with that war money gone to kill some people who don’t even know why they’re dying in the first place? People why be angry silently? Steam out your anger. Tell your politicians what you want. They work for you, not the other way around. Build germany or whatever country you come from and stop acting like it’s your duty to “free “ the world. That’s just a bunch of lies to keep the weapon money flowing. Wake up for goodness sake!

